Eligibility Requirements

Below is a list of 501(c) types. Those marked with an asterix may not accept tax-deductible contributions; however, they may establish a charitable fund to accept tax-deductible donations.

Type Description


501(c)(1) Corporations Organized under Act of Congress (including Federal Credit Unions) Yes*
501(c)(2) Title Holding Corporation For Exempt Organization


501(c)(3) Religious- Educational- Charitable- Scientific- Literary- Testing for Public Safety- to Foster National or International Amateur Sports Competition- or Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Organizations Yes
501(c)(4) Civic Leagues- Social Welfare Organizations- and Local Associations of Employees


501(c)(5) Labor- Agricultural- and Horticultural Organizations


501(c)(6) Business Leagues- Chambers of Commerce- Real Estate Boards- etc.


501(c)(7) Social and Recreational Clubs


501(c)(8) Fraternal Beneficiary Societies and Associations


501(c)(9) Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Associations


501(c)(10) Domestic Fraternal Societies and Associations Yes*
501(c)(11) Teachers' Retirement Fund Associations


501(c)(12) Benevolent Life Insurance Associations- Mutual Ditch or Irrigation Companies- Mutual or Cooperative Telephone Companies- and Like Organizations


501(c)(13) Cemetery Companies


501(c)(14) State-Chartered Credit Unions- Mutual Reserve Funds


501(c)(15) Mutual Insurance Companies or Associations


501(c)(16) Cooperative Organizations to Finance Crop Operations


501(c)(17) Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Trusts


501(c)(18) Employee Funded Pension Trust (created before June 25- 1959)


501(c)(19) Post or Organization of Past or Present Members of the Armed Forces


501(c)(21) Black Lung Benefit Trusts


501(c)(22) Withdrawal Liability Payment Fund


501(c)(23) Veterans' Organization (created before 1880)


501(c)(25) Title Holding Corporations or Trusts with Multiple Parent Corporations


501(c)(26) State-Sponsored Organization Providing Health Coverage for High-Risk Individuals


501(c)(27) State-Sponsored Workers' Compensation Reinsurance Organization


501(c)(28) National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust


501(c)(29) CO-OP health insurance issuers


Below are some examples of the types of organizations we are able to work with. This is not a complete list. If your not sure if your organizations fits in to one of these categories, give us a call. In most cases we will be able to find a way to help your organization fundraise. NOTE: We do not work with individuals. This is fundraising for nonprofits and charities. No Individuals are compensated.  

Addictive Disorders N.E.C.
Administration of Justice, Courts
Adult, Child Matching Programs
Adult, Continuing Education
Agricultural Programs
AIDS Research
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, Prevention & Treatment
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, Prevention Only
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, Treatment Only
Allergy Related Disease Research
Allergy Related Diseases
Alliance/Advocacy Organizations
Alumni Associations
Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease Research
Amateur Sports Clubs, Leagues, N.E.C.
Amateur Sports Competitions
Ambulance, Emergency Medical Transport Services
Ambulatory Health Center, Community Clinic
American Red Cross
Animal Protection and Welfare
Animal Training, Behavior
Animal-Related N.E.C.
Anthropology, Sociology
Arms Control, Peace Organizations
Art Museums
Arthritis Research
Arts Council/Agency
Arts Education
Arts Service Organizations and Activities
Arts, Cultural Organizations – Multipurpose
Arts, Culture, and Humanities N.E.C.
Asthma Research
Autism Research
Automotive Safety

Baseball, Softball
Behavioral Science
Big Brothers, Big Sisters
Biological, Life Science Research
Biomedicine, Bioengineering
Biomedicine, Bioengineering Research
Bird Sanctuary, Preserve
Birth Defects and Genetic Diseases
Birth Defects, Genetic Diseases Research
Black Studies
Blind/Visually Impaired Centers, Services
Blood Supply Related
Boards of Trade
Botanical Gardens, Arboreta and Botanical Organizations
Botanical, Horticultural, and Landscape Services
Boy Scouts of America
Boys and Girls Clubs (Combined)
Boys Clubs
Brain Disorders
Brain Disorders Research
Business and Industry

Camp Fire
Cancer Research
Cemeteries, Burial Services
Censorship, Freedom of Speech and Press Issues
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
Child Abuse, Prevention of
Child Day Care
Children’s Museums
Children’s, Youth Services
Citizen Participation
Civil Liberties Advocacy
Civil Rights, Advocacy for Specific Groups
Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy N.E.C.
Commemorative Events
Community Coalitions
Community Foundations
Community Health Systems
Community Improvement, Capacity Building N.E.C.
Community Mental Health Center
Community or Junior Colleges
Community Recreational Centers
Community Service Clubs
Community, Neighborhood Development, Improvement (General)
Computer Science
Congregate Meals
Consumer Protection, Safety
Corporate Foundations
Correctional Facilities N.E.C.
Counseling, Support Groups
Credit Unions
Crime Prevention N.E.C.
Crime, Legal Related N.E.C.
Cultural, Ethnic Awareness

Deaf/Hearing Impaired Centers, Services
Delinquency Prevention
Developmentally Disabled Centers, Services
Digestive Disease, Disorder Research
Digestive Diseases, Disorders
Disabled Persons’ Rights
Disaster Preparedness and Relief Services
Diseases of Specific Organs
Diseases, Disorders, Medical Disciplines N.E.C.
Dispute Resolution, Mediation Services
Domestic Fraternal Societies
Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome Research
Drunk Driving Related

Ear and Throat Diseases
Ear and Throat Research
Eatery, Agency, Organization Sponsored
Eating Disorder, Addiction
Economic Development
Economics (as a social science)
Education N.E.C.
Educational Services and Schools – Other
Elementary, Secondary Education, K – 12
Emergency Assistance (Food, Clothing, Cash)
Employee Funded Pension Trust
Employment Procurement Assistance, Job Training
Employment, Job Related N.E.C.
Energy Resources Conservation and Development
Engineering and Technology Research, Services
Environmental Beautification and Aesthetics
Environmental Education and Outdoor Survival Programs
Environmental Quality, Protection, and Beautification N.E.C.
Epilepsy Research
Equestrian, Riding
Ethnic Studies
Ethnic, Immigrant Centers, Services
Eye Diseases, Blindness and Vision Impairments
Eye Research

Fairs, County and Other
Family Counseling
Family Planning Centers
Family Services
Family Services, Adolescent Parents
Family Violence Shelters, Services
Farm Bureau, Grange
Farmland Preservation
Film, Video
Financial Counseling, Money Management
Financial Institutions, Services (Non-Government Related)
Fire Prevention, Protection, Control
First Aid Training, Services
Fisheries Resources
Fishing, Hunting Clubs
Food Banks, Food Pantries
Food Service, Free Food Distribution Programs
Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition N.E.C.
Football Clubs, Leagues
Forest Conservation
Foster Care
Fraternal Beneficiary Societies
Fund Raising and/or Fund Distribution
Fund Raising Organizations That Cross Categories

Gambling Addiction
Garden Club, Horticultural Program
Geriatrics Research
Gerontology (as a social science)
Gift Distribution
Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.
Girls Clubs
Goodwill Industries
Government and Public Administration
Graduate, Professional Schools (Separate Entities)
Group Health Practice (Health Maintenance Organizations)
Group Home (Long Term)
Group Home, Residential Treatment Facility – Mental Health Related

Half-Way House (Short-Term Residential Care)
Health – General and Rehabilitative N.E.C.
Health Support Services
Health Treatment Facilities, Primarily Outpatient
Health, General and Financing
Heart and Circulatory System Diseases, Disorders
Heart, Circulatory Research
Higher Education Institutions
Historical Societies, Related Historical Activities
History Museums
Home Economics
Home Health Care
Home Improvement and Repairs
Homeless Persons Centers, Services
Homeless, Temporary Shelter For
Homemaker, Home Health Aide
Hospital, General
Hospital, Specialty
Hospitals and Related Primary Medical Care Facilities
Hot Line, Crisis Intervention Services
Housing Development, Construction, Management
Housing Expense Reduction Support
Housing Owners, Renters Organizations
Housing Rehabilitation
Housing Search Assistance
Housing Support Services — Other
Housing, Shelter N.E.C.
Human Service Organizations – Multipurpose
Human Services – Multipurpose and Other N.E.C.
Humanities Organizations

Insurance Providers, Services
Interdisciplinary Research
Interfaith Issues
Intergroup, Race Relations
International Agricultural Development
International Cultural Exchange
International Development, Relief Services
International Economic Development
International Exchanges, N.E.C.
International Human Rights
International Migration, Refugee Issues
International Peace and Security
International Relief
International Student Exchange and Aid
International Studies
International, Foreign Affairs, and National Security N.E.C.


Kidney Disease
Kidney Research
Kindergarten, Preschool, Nursery School, Early Admissions

Labor Studies
Labor Unions, Organizations
Land Resources Conservation
Law Enforcement Agencies (Police Departments)
Law, International Law, Jurisprudence
Leadership Development
Legal Services
Lesbian, Gay Rights
Livestock Breeding, Development, Management
Local Benevolent Life Insurance Associations
Low-Cost Temporary Housing
Lung Disease
Lung Research

Management & Technical Assistance
Management Services for Small Business, Entrepreneurs
Marine Science and Oceanography
Meals on Wheels
Media, Communications Organizations
Medical Disciplines
Medical Research N.E.C.
Medical Specialty Research
Men’s Service Clubs
Mental Health Association, Multipurpose
Mental Health Disorders
Mental Health Treatment – Multipurpose and N.E.C.
Mental Health, Crisis Intervention N.E.C.
Military, Veterans’ Organizations
Minority Rights
Multi-Employer Pension Plans
Museum, Museum Activities
Music Groups, Bands, Ensembles
Mutual Insurance Company or Association
Mutual/Membership Benefit Organizations, Other N.E.C.

Named Trusts/Foundations N.E.C.
National Security, Domestic
Natural History, Natural Science Museums
Natural Resources Conservation and Protection
Neighborhood Centers, Settlement Houses
Neighborhood, Block Associations
Nerve, Muscle and Bone Diseases
Nerve, Muscle, Bone Research
Neurology, Neuroscience
Neurology, Neuroscience Research
Nonmonetary Support N.E.C.
Nonmonetary Support N.E.C.*
Nonprofit Management
Nursing Services (General)
Nursing, Convalescent Facilities
Nutrition Programs

Olympics Committees and Related International Competitions
Organ and Tissue Banks
Other Services – Specialty Animals

Parent/Teacher Group
Parks and Playgrounds
Patient Services – Entertainment, Recreation
Pediatrics Research
Pension and Retirement Funds
Performing Arts Centers
Performing Arts Organizations
Performing Arts Schools
Personal Social Services
Philanthropy, Charity, Voluntarism Promotion, General
Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Grantmaking Foundations N.E.C.
Physical Fitness and Community Recreational Facilities
Physical Sciences, Earth Sciences Research and Promotion
Political Science
Pollution Abatement and Control Services
Population Studies
Primary, Elementary Schools
Printing, Publishing
Prison Alternatives
Private Grantmaking Foundations
Private Independent Foundations
Private Operating Foundations
Professional Athletic Leagues
Professional Societies, Associations
Promotion of Business
Promotion of International Understanding
Protection Against, Prevention of Neglect, Abuse, Exploitation
Protection of Endangered Species
Psychiatric, Mental Health Hospital
Public Finance, Taxation, Monetary Policy
Public Foundations
Public Health Program
Public Housing Facilities
Public Interest Law, Litigation
Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Relief N.E.C.
Public Transportation Systems, Services
Public Utilities
Public, Society Benefit – Multipurpose and Other N.E.C.

Rape Victim Services
Real Estate Organizations
Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics N.E.C.
Recreational and Sporting Camps
Recreational, Pleasure, or Social Club
Recycling Programs
Rehabilitation Services for Offenders
Rehabilitative Medical Services
Religion Related, Spiritual Development N.E.C.
Religious Film, Video
Religious Media, Communications Organizations
Religious Printing, Publishing
Religious Radio
Religious Television
Remedial Reading, Reading Encouragement
Reproductive Health Care Facilities and Allied Services
Reproductive Rights
Research Institutes and/or Public Policy Analysis
Residential, Custodial Care
Right to Die, Euthanasia Issues
Right to Life
Roman Catholic
Rural Development

Safety Education
Salvation Army
Scholarships, Student Financial Aid Services, Awards
Science and Technology Museums
Science and Technology Research Institutes, Services N.E.C.
Science, General
Scouting Organizations
Search and Rescue Squads, Services
Secondary, High School
Senior Centers, Services
Senior Citizens’ Housing/Retirement Communities
Senior Continuing Care Communities
Seniors’ Rights
Services to Prisoners and Families – Multipurpose
Services to Promote the Independence of Specific Populations
Sexual Abuse, Prevention of
Sheltered Remunerative Employment, Work Activity Center N.E.C.
Singing, Choral
Single Organization Support
Single Parent Agencies, Services
Smoking Addiction
Soccer Clubs, Leagues
Social Science Institutes, Services
Social Science Research Institutes, Services N.E.C.
Special Olympics
Specialized Education Institutions
Specific Organ Research
Specifically Named Diseases
Specifically Named Diseases Research
Sports Training Facilities, Agencies
Spouse Abuse, Prevention of
State-Sponsored Worker’s Compensation Reinsurance Organizations
Student Services, Organizations of Students
Student Sororities, Fraternities
Supplemental Unemployment Compensation
Surgery Research
Swimming, Water Recreation
Symphony Orchestras

Teachers Retirement Fund Association
Telephone, Telegraph and Telecommunication Services
Tennis, Racquet Sports Clubs, Leagues
Thrift Shops
Transitional Care, Half-Way House for Offenders, Ex-Offenders
Transportation, Free or Subsidized
Travelers’ Aid

Undergraduate College (4-year)
United Nations Association
University or Technological Institute
Urban League
Urban Studies
Urban, Community Economic Development

Veterinary Services
Victims’ Services
Visual Arts Organizations
Vocational Counseling, Guidance and Testing
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Training
Vocational, Technical Schools
Voluntarism Promotion
Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Associations (Government)
Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Associations (Non-Government)
Volunteers of America
Voter Education, Registration

Water Resource, Wetlands Conservation and Management
Wildlife Preservation, Protection
Wildlife Sanctuary, Refuge
Winter Sports (Snow and Ice)
Women’s Rights
Women’s Service Clubs
Women’s Studies

Young Men’s or Women’s Associations (YMCA, YWCA, YWHA, YMHA)
Youth Centers, Clubs, Multipurpose
Youth Community Service Clubs
Youth Development – Agricultural
Youth Development – Business
Youth Development – Citizenship Programs
Youth Development – Religious Leadership
Youth Development N.E.C.
Youth Development Programs, Other

Zoo, Zoological Society