School Fundraising

How to Raise Funds for Your School with Volunteer Event Staffing

Kingdom Promotions is not your average event staffing company. We offer a unique opportunity for volunteers to raise money for their schools while working as event staff. With a focus on providing top-notch service at various events, Kingdom Promotions is paving the way for fundraising in a fun and meaningful way.

Identify Your School's Funding Needs

Determine specific areas where additional funding would make the biggest impact
Consider costs for:
– Classroom materials and equipment
– Technology upgrades
– Facility repairs and improvements
– Extracurricular programs and field trips
– Teacher professional development

Fundraising Opportunity for Schools

hands formed together with red heart paint

 Schools are always in need of additional funding, whether it’s for new equipment, extracurricular activities, building improvements, or any number of other expenses. Fundraising is essential, but it can be time-consuming and challenging to organize effective campaigns.

By partnering with Kingdom Promotions, schools can raise much-needed funds by having volunteers work as event staff at different venues. It’s a win-win situation – volunteers get to support their school while gaining valuable experience, and schools receive donations to support their programs and initiatives.

Benefits of Volunteering as Event Staff for Kingdom Promotions

Volunteering as event staff for Kingdom Promotions is not just about raising money – it’s also an excellent opportunity to gain valuable event experience. Whether it’s assisting guests, managing logistics, or handling promotions, volunteers will build skills that can be applied in various professional settings.

Another perk of volunteering with Kingdom Promotions is the chance to network with industry professionals. By working at different events, volunteers can connect with people in the event management and promotion field, opening doors to potential career opportunities and valuable connections.

How the Donation Process Works for School Fundraising

The donation process with Kingdom Promotions is simple yet effective. Kingdom Promotions makes a donation to your school based on an hourly rate per volunteer. The donation rate varies depending on the event, however you will always know what the rate is prior to committing to the event. Our services are without expense to all schools and other nonprofits so you keep 100% of the money you raise. This structured approach ensures that schools receive a consistent stream of donations based on the events worked by volunteers.

Transparency and Accountability in Fundraising

Transparency and accountability are key values upheld by Kingdom Promotions in their fundraising efforts. Volunteers can rest assured knowing that the donations raised are allocated to the designated schools as promised. This level of transparency builds trust among volunteers, schools, and the community.

Steps to Successful Fundraising With Kingdom Promotions

  • Connect with Kingdom Promotions
  • Learn how the process works
  • Choose an event 
  • Promote the volunteer opportunity to parents, students, staff, and community members
  • Coordinate schedules to ensure you have a group leader for each event
  • Keep track volunteer hours on Kingdom Promotions timesheets
  • Turn in all timesheets in a timely manner

Examples of Success

Thanks to the magic touch of fundraising, schools can jazz up their extracurricular activities like never before. Say hello to drama clubs with fancy costumes or science fairs with state-of-the-art gadgets – all made possible by the power of community support.

Over the years, Kingdom Promotions has worked with hundreds of high school and college teams of all types like :sports and debate, teams, honor society, drama clubs, sororities, fraternities,  booster clubs. The list goes on. Take a look at some examples below: (names are withheld below for privacy but references are availiable)

learn more about their school fundraising program

Contact Kingdom Promotions today

and get started earning funds for your school.

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Ready to take the plunge and join the Kingdom Promotions party? Here’s your backstage pass to becoming a fundraising superstar with a knack for making a difference.

Becoming a Kingdom Promotions partner is easier than mastering the perfect high-five. Simply follow a few steps, sprinkle in some enthusiasm, and before you know it, you’ll be on your way to fundraising greatness.

The journey doesn’t end here! With Kingdom Promotions by your side, the road ahead is filled with endless possibilities for continued partnership, growth, and most importantly, transforming lives through the power of fundraising.In conclusion, the collaboration between schools and Kingdom Promotions offers a promising avenue for raising essential funds while fostering valuable experiences for volunteers. With a transparent donation process, impactful fundraising strategies, and a network of support, schools can embark on a journey towards enhancing their programs and empowering their students. By taking the next steps to get involved with Kingdom Promotions, schools can unlock a world of opportunities for sustainable fundraising and continued growth.

Ways to get signed up


Organizations raise funds by tapping into their volunteer base. Many people may not have the money to give, but would willingly volunteer their time at a fundraiser. This is a similar concept to a bake sale or a car wash but is more beneficial financially. The amount of money a group can generate depends on both the number of volunteers your organization sends and the client’s needs. The actual donation to your organization comes from us, is based on an hourly rate per volunteer, and is written out to the organization. No individuals receive compensation.

Our expansive portfolio of event staffing spans the country’s most exciting and sought-after occasions. From the high-octane adrenaline of NASCAR to the fervent spirit of college and professional football, from the lyrical echoes of grandiose concerts to the cultural tapestry of festivals and fairs, Kingdom Promotions is synonymous with diversity and inclusion. This ensures that volunteers have a broad spectrum of opportunities to choose from and nonprofits can thrive from a continuous stream of donations.

The type of work done by these groups varies depending on the event. Some of the different types of work performed are: general security, picking up trash, directing traffic, taking tickets, and concessions.

The age limits for volunteers varies by event. If you see an event in your area that your group would like to work, Just give us a -call at the office and ask. 


or email us [email protected]

Again, dress code will depend on the client and the event. We do ask that you always wear closed toed shoes when volunteering with Kingdom Promotions. 

Let us know as right away so that we can try to replace your volunteers. 

All events are different. Please ask your staffer about breaks ate the time of sign up. In most cases you will be provided a meal break. You may need to bring a sack lunch. 

Prior to the first event you volunteer for we will need Your groups highest representative to sign the Nonprofit agreement. We have to have that prior to issuing a donation so it it is best to take care of it right away. 

We also need your contact info including a cell number where you can be reached on event days. If you do not plan to be on site with your volunteers then we will need the contact infomation for the onsite group leader. This person must be able to make decisions  on behalf of your team as to staying later or leaving earlier and should be resposible enough to make sure all volunteers are signed in on our timesheet and with the client. 

We will also need one Alternate contact with a cell number they can be reached in case we can not reach you or the onsite lead. In case the event is cancelled suddenly or there is some kind of emergency. 

In some cases we may need first and last names of your volunteers or other information. We will inform you of that before hand.  

If you are the onsite group lead you will need to have everyone sign the timesheet. They will print their name and then sign. This is acknowledging the fact that they are volunteers and are not getting paid for their time. 

You will keep track of the hours for this event on a different timesheet each day and email them to us on the following Monday after the event has finished. [email protected]


The clients of Kingdom Promotions are professional companies. They are giving these spots to Kingdom as a way to give back to the community. Though these are not paid employee positions they should still remain professional at al times. 

There is no smoking while on site

You should not be on your phone while on duty

Do not drive or operate any type of equipment including golf carts

No drinking alcohol during your shift

Please be in the proper uniform for each event. That includes hygiene

Be at least 30 minutes early to every event

Make sure to sign in on the client timesheets or your team may not get credit for your time

Understand that if you are not following the above rules your team could be asked to leave and may forfeit that days donation

If provided with things such as a walky talky, tee shirt, flash light or traffic vest please return them to the clients onsite coordinatior as they may deduct from your donation any charges for anything not returned