Author Archives: admin

Randy Sutton Staffing Representative Introduction Randy Sutton is a dedicated Staffing Representative at Kingdom Promotions, a unique event staffing and nonprofit fundraising organization. Since joining the team in 2014, Randy has found not only a career but a calling that aligns with his personal journey and values. Background and Experience Randy’s diverse work history spans various sectors, including grocery stores, fast food manufacturing, and municipal services. Each role has contributed uniquely to his skill set, enhancing his abilities in communication, computer technology, and interpersonal relations. However, it is his position at Kingdom Promotions that has been the most transformative, equipping him with not only professional skills but also deep personal growth. Personal Journey Describing himself as a “sinner saved by grace traveling through a world that is not his home,” Randy attributes his success and ability to impact others to the grace and mercy he has experienced. His work at…

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